Multiple Intelligence.
Using various intelligence to study a particular topic can be referred to as multiple intelligence. At Junior Delhi School we believe that every child learns at their own pace. Therefore teaching has to be taken place in a unique way too. So at Junior Delhi School for instance, while teaching language we use story time, rhyme time, visual learning, hunt the letter for the body movement, craft creativity and many more activities to go on.
Sensory-Based Learning.
Sensory learning plays an important role during this play and learn period. Using senses like vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch helps the early learners to explore and learn in a much easier and faster way. Since using of senses is the first step towards the learning process, at Junior Delhi School we focus on the same. Sensory activities facilitate exploration and naturally encourage early learners to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate and explore.
Inquiry-Based Learning.
The early learners are full of curiosity and 5W’s who, what, when, where, and whyare the motivating factor that strengthens this curiosity. At Junior Delhi School we encourage curiosity for the overall development by asking them open-ended questions, encouraging discussion and conversations and also by creating an environment to provide the answers of the 5W’s. We help the young thinkers to explore and investigate the curious minds.
Project-Based Approach.
Project-based learning is an instructional strategy that allows students to build knowledge and skills through interesting projects. The learning gets more creative and fun when the child finds the answers themselves. The teacher turns out to be a guide who paves the way for the child toward the right direction.
Play-Based Learning.
Play and learn is very much encouraged in the teaching-learning process of Junior Delhi School. Learning gets more interesting when the child acquires knowledge while doing it. Learning the letters with the help of music has proven to be of greater understanding at Junior Delhi School. The play-way method helps easy learning as it becomes the part and parcel of their life. It is regarded as the language of the child. Conversing with the medium of language can be a difficult process for which the child uses behaviour and i.e, play. Playing can be termed as a natural instinct of children, therefore it is the most desirable method of learning for them.So,Junior Delhi School encourages playing games, drama, dance and music is a crucial part of our curriculum.
Integrated Learning.
Integrated learning in early childhood is critical because it encompasses all aspects of a child's development, including physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. As the primary purpose of education is to aid in the development of these aspects of a child's life, the integrated curriculum remains the best approach. When students are able to connect what they are learning in one developmental area to equivalent knowledge in another, they are said to be integrating. Topics taught in cognitive or language, can be combined with concepts and skills of music and drama.